When is the best period to visit Bahia?

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ALL OVER the year! Believe me, if you plan in advance and with SKTour Like a Sotero, you may come to Bahia in any date and have a great experience.

Of course, summer is the best time to come, also is when you do have to book everything in advance (including tours!!!). But here are some other dates that you should think about visiting Bahia:

January/February – summer time, and don´t miss our festivals such as “Lavagem do Bonfim”, “Yemanjá” and, of course, carnival. SKTour Like  a Sotero organizes a boat trip on the 2nd of February, dont miss it!! (“Dia de Yemanjá é no MAR”)


March – on the 29th is the date that we celebrate the settlement of Salvador as the first capital of Brazil. Usually there are special concerts around the town, and museums do special events.

April – we celebrate the “dia do indio” on April 19th, for the ones that are interested in afro heritage, this is also a great month to see celebrations of caboclos and oxossi (orixa of candomble), in Salvador and Reconvavo Baiano. Also this month starts the festival of bars, Comida di Buteco (www.comidadibuteco.com.br) and SKTour Like a Sotero organizes fun “boteco crowls” in April and May!


May – this is a quite special month for the reconvavo baiano, as we celebrate the Bembé do Mercado in Santo Amaro

June – the whole northeast is a party. São Joao CELEBRATION and also the religion “novena” of Santo Antonio

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July – on the 2nd of July there is a civil parade in Salvador, celebration the independence of Bahia

August – Month of black heritage: Sisterhood of GoodDeath in Cachoeira and also Omolu´s celebration in the “terreiros of candomblé”

September – Spring comes and this mean you can explore as much as you want the “Baia de Todos os Santos”, also we celebrate the day of Cosme and Damião on the 27th of September.

October –  If you want to come and volunteer in Brazil this is a perfect month as on the 12th of october we celebrate the “Dia das Crianças” (children´s day). Also tradicionally this is the month of great festivals of teather (FLICA) and movies (PANORAMA DE CINEMA)  in Salvador.

November – month celebration the Day of Zumbi (november 20th). During the whole month there are special events on behalf of the “Dia da Consciência Negra”. Also in november sometimes starts the summer festivals and parties (“ensaios de verão”)

December – starting with the 4th of december, day of “Santa Barbara, this is a month full of activities in town.  Most of the parties of summer starts in december… so, come to SALVADOR, any time, any day!
